Models 1 Agency Modeling Agency

 Models 1 Agency Complaints and Reviews

Problems with payment

Models 1 Agency modeling schools are a big time scam.they are only interested in your credit card.than your modeling carieer.the photographer they have is not in the fashion .he works for john casablanca.he gets a do not need to take classes for modeling.real agencies don't put pressure on you to pay for classes you don't need.once you graduate they never call you again.they already have their money.yes they are a franchise anyone can buy one like a subway or mcdonalds.these are classes are made up.and led to nowhere.these scams in the modeling world have been going on for years.please people don't be taken for a fool.a complete waste of time and money.if you are interested in acting go take some classes from real theater people to learn about acting.not from hairstlylist or makeup artist.i sure do hope lots of people read this the away from these scam artist who laugh their way to the bank.

Country: Svalbard

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